Artificial Intelligence in use – The Legal Sector under the influence of AI

The Swiss Legal Tech Association (SLTA) is happy to present current solutions for the legal sector which are utilising artificial intelligence. We will discuss how software and algorithms support the legal profession, which tasks are already performed by artificial intelligence today and what challenges legislators will face.

Court Wire monitors more than 200 courts around USA and notifies legal practitioners of newly filed cases with instant alerts based on custom search criteria. Thomson Reuters applied AI to generate the relevant search fields and case summaries and expedite our reporters' workflow.

Deloitte will present two cloud based services which apply Artificial Intelligence to accelerate document reviews and to analysing behaviour and emotions in calls.

The presentations will be followed by a legal wrap-up and a discussion about the challenges and risks we face with artificial intelligence and how to deal with it.

Free Registration over meetup group or via e-mail


18.00 – Welcome

18.10 – AI Goes to Court Wire: Information extraction and summarization of newly filed court cases
(Dr. Laura Skylaki, Data Scientist, Thomson Reuters)

18.40 – DocQminer: AI accelerated document review / TrueVoice: Analysing behaviour and emotions in calls
(Beat Burtscher, Head of Digital Solutions, Deloitte)

19.10 – Legal Wrap-Up / Discussion
(Roman Elsener, Executive Board Member, Swiss LegalTech Association SLTA)

19.30 – Networking Apéritif

(Free Entry)